2024 Virtual International Careers Fair

Registration Form

The University of Sydney careers fairs are hosted on the vFairs virtual events platform.

When you register for our careers fair, vFairs will collect your full name, University email address, degree and year of degree, and any additional information you submit, such as your resume (‘registration information’).

vFairs will use your registration information to create your user profile and populate your contact card, enabling you to access our career fair and interact with employers.

Your contact card contains your registration information and is visible to all employers participating in our career fair. Employers will be able to search using the detail you provide in your registration information and can download your resume if you provide one, as well as other personal information you may provide to them during the career fair, such as chat histories, meeting appointments and job enquiries or applications. User tracking reporting within vFairs will be available to authorised Careers Centre staff, for the purpose of improving operations and supporting students. Participation in games such as scavenger hunts and may display some participation in online leader boards within the vFairs careers event.

For employers registering on vFairs, information about staff representatives will be collected and made available to University staff and students participating in careers events. Information collected includes name, email address, job title, chat, messaging and meeting arrangements with candidates and any notes compiled by employers or students during the careers event.

Given the range of personal information that can be shared via vFairs, students and employers are advised to exercise caution and to not share sensitive personal information via the vFairs environment.

Our University support staff will also have access to your registration information for the purpose of providing you with assistance, and to generate statistical information to help us evaluate and improve our career services for students. Employers participating in fairs will have access to de-identified data about student engagement with their booth, staff and company information. When your personal information is collected, used or disclosed to third party industry exhibitors those organisation’s privacy policies will apply.

vFairs will share your personal information with its contractors and service providers to enable your access and participate in our careers fair, including your participation in webinars, video or audio meetings and online chat.

vFairs will not share your personal information with anybody else, unless you have given consent, if required to protect other users, or where authorised or required to do so by law.

Data in VFairs is only retained for short periods of time, to provide you with specific employment opportunities, and is only held long enough to enable these opportunities. vFairs will store and dispose of your personal information securely.

Providing your personal information to vFairs is voluntary, however if you do not provide all requested information you will not be able to register for our careers fair.

You have the right to access and correct your personal information in VFairs. You can edit your profile or contact careers.information@sydney.edu.au for further advice.


For more information about how vFairs will handle your personal information, see the vFairs Privacy Policy.


For information about how the University manages your personal information, please see our privacy webpage.


Employment opportunities located overseas are subject to different employment and occupational health and safety laws and requirements. Should you choose to apply to international organisations, it is your responsibility to make your own enquiries to verify any of the information given about these laws and requirements as well as about any applicable overseas travel and work costs or requirements (such as visas, insurance and immunisations).